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Costume Idea: "I'm a Tiger" Body Paint

This year, for Halloween, I decided to try something a bit Unique and "dress" as a tiger for our (adults only) dress-up party at my friend Stephanie's house... To be completely honest, maybe "dress" is a loose term. I didn't really "dress" in anything today except my regular undergraments.

After that... it was all up to the artist:

Stellar body paint artist Leroy Roper had me and my husband Mark over to his studio so the he (and his super talented makeup artist wife) could paint me from head to toe as the tigress that I had envisioned for this year's costume. What a dream team! They've obviously been doing this for years.

Mark took a few clips, so I'm sharing them for you here!

As you can tell... you've GOTTA wear underwear no matter what, girl lol

He started with the shadowing, followed by the orange, and then the detailed stripes pulled it all together!

I was so happy to be a living piece of art for a night.

After my body was covered, it was just us girls to get my face to match. This couple was a GREAT duo, and I think they did an amazing job!! Here's the finished product:

I grabbed a perfect scarf to match my new tiger stripes, and I was ready for the costume party.

Mark dressed up for the party as my "Tiger Tamer", but I think he just looked like a sexy James Bond!

Travis Hollman, Stephanie Hollman, Cary Deuber, Mark Deuber

Thanks to the Hollmans for having us over for your AWESOME party.


Thank you again, Leroy for the great work & for turning me into a True Tigress!



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Cary Deuber of Real Housewives of Dallas

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