Work: 24 Hour Recovery
24 Hour Recovery is about better outcomes for patients.
24 Hour Recovery isn’t just one thing – it is a system of thought and technique that delivers better outcomes for patients. Better recovery and fewer re-operations over time. What we do for patients, for the most part, is elective; therefore, assuring that we can reduce the risks and the down time are crucial elements that make having plastic surgery a real option for patients.

My husband, Dr Mark Deuber, had the privilege of working with Dr John Tebbetts while he was developing and publishing 24 Hour Recovery techniques; he lived it day in and day out for over 15 years. 24 Hour Recovery processes were published by Dr. Tebbetts in 2000 – 16 years ago – this isn’t a fad, this is a scientific, proven method of doing better for patients. Yes, it does get irritating to see so many different marketing terms like Rapid Recovery out there that are just that – they are marketing terms. If you go home with pain meds and can’t move for two weeks, what’s so rapid about that? Patients should really know what to look for when they do their research! 24 Hour Recovery means no narcotics, no bras, no bandages and no drains and a return to normal routine activity the afternoon of surgery! 24 Hour Recovery is a team effort – from patient education, to utilizing measurement systems, to surgical techniques, to having an experienced OR and recovery room team, to the patient being willing to do her part – it is a team effort! Why don’t more surgeons use this method? Because surgical training is a mentoring process and a surgeon tends to learn from his or her chief resident who learned from his chief etc and if you can send patients home on pain meds and not hear from them for two or three weeks and when they finally come back they are happy with their new breasts, what is the motivation for surgeons to change? Giving birth hurts like hell, right, but in the end, every Mom still loves their babies……I think patients tend to just believe and accept that they have to hurt to get breast implants - - that simply isn’t true any longer! Surgeons should care about better recovery because it can translate into fewer risks and re-operations for patients in the long run. Recovery time = Money - - the longer a patient is off work, or has to hire help or the significant other is off work – the total cost of the operation just went up! What makes your recovery so different? How can this be? It starts with the measurement system of determining size – which translates into preplanning the operation and increasing efficiency. Once the operation begins, it is extremely precise and atraumatic technique, protecting tissues (remember, whatever happens to a patient in the OR, they pay for post op – if the surgeon or assistant bangs the ribs, it’s not the surgeon or assistant that feels it – it is the patient) and reducing anesthesia time, which reduces the amount of medications and narcotics that can slow down the recovery process. Our average OR time for breast augmentation is about 30 minutes. These processes and focus on creating better outcomes for patients flows into every procedure we do including mommy makeover, tummy tuck, facelift, rhinoplasty, liposuction and more. Surgery needs to be done precisely, accurately and efficiently.
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